Tuesday, February 05, 2008

friendly friends

card holder, originally uploaded by pinprick.

had another cheese class today. i love my cheese classes, even though by looking you'd just see me sitting there yawning. for one, it's way too early for me. i am a woman who does not get up before 9 in the morning. and i'm feeling uncharacteristically shy; these things shut me right up. i don't want to make small talk, i want to hide in a corner and taste cheese quietly. what the fuck. i am normally a lover of the spotlight (i can admit that, i'm old enough to know it's true), and chit chatting up strangers is my strong suit. do i feel uncomfortable with the subject? no. are the folks seriously intimidating? um, no. i can't tell why i'm so uncomfortable. whatever. by the time i figure it out i'm sure i'll be okay. or not.

tomorrow i promise to have a cheese lesson all ready for you! any questions? i think tomorrow we'll talk about calcification in cheese. seriously. i am a dork!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My only question: why is cheese so darn good?

Jaycees are a civic/social organization, sort of like the Elks.

Have fun in cheese class!