Friday, April 07, 2006

oy, soy

i love soy chicken. in fact, i like fake chicken patties beter than real chicken patties. as much as i love faux-meat and soy products, sometimes they don't like me. it's hit or miss; most of the time i eat them and am fine, sometimes i eat them and my insides riot. like tonight! i mean, it was so delicious going down, so now why is my tummy distended like i ate a bowling ball and my guts in knots? maybe a nice beer will help.

holy cuteness! i got my danny mansmith cuff today, and i know you're jealous. i took a million photos of it already, and wore it around the house. it makes my sweatpants look ridiculously chic. like the crafty girl i am, i've also been carefully poring over it trying to figure out how it was made. want to know how it was constructed? impeccably. i think this boy has a serger and isn't afraid to use it. i'm telling you, it's lovely and sturdy and i'm going to wear it every day. really, go get one.


Spacebeer said...

Beer usually settles my stomach, but if that doesn't work my fail-proof cure is a nice strong cup of peppermint tea. It is a miracle cure for upset-stomach, I swear.

Anonymous said...

I second kristykay - I too swear by peppermint tea. Good for what ails ya. Sorry about the soy chicken. Being vegan I've had just about every mock meat there is, and they don't always agree with me either.

Anonymous said...

hey there FYI--it's not a serger it's just a zig zag stitch usually called a satin stitch when it's so close together like the stitch on your cuff ---so glad it fits and you like-good thoughts to ya danny/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/