Saturday, December 02, 2006

okay, i've calmed down a bit

it's true (super true) that getting a call from your bank is usually very bad news. it's also true that sometimes it's bad news that comes with some good. how many banks have ever called me to say, "hey, did you realize you are super broke and still using your debit card like there's money on it?" never, before today.

i feel like i've dug this stupid big money hole, and now i need to get my shit together and fix it. i spent some time yesterday afternoon talking to just about the cutest and nicest financial planner (i think she's a few years younger than i am), and even though things look like not-so-much fun for the near future, i'm just glad to know i haven't royally fucked myself over. it was actually just really nice to explain to her how it happened, what i'd like to do about it, and what my options are. in short, we are going to try to do some consolidating, and she assured me that she's seen much worse. she was like my little financial therapist!

money is so weird. it totally stresses me out sometimes, but then i stop and think about how it's just money, how a lot of people have more debt than i do, and how someday i'll be dead and i'll never have to balance my checkbook again. things will be okay.


Anonymous said...

I was in a similar situation some time ago...and the financial planner at the bank told me, "nah, you aren't in that bad of shape...people I had in here earlier today owe over $300K in credit card debt alone, not counting their $750K house!" Can you imagine! Make me a Freud dishtowel and I'll help increase your cash flow. C'mon! Please???

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

It's only money as people say but of course it totally sucks when the bank gets all heavy and serious on you like that and you start to worry that you'll never be able to do anything you want to do. But I'll put up my hand for a dishtowel too. My brother would go mad over one for Christmas, in fact you'd be doing me a huge favour because I can't think of anything to give him. If you have one already made please let me know and I'll send my address and some $$ right away. Think blogger hates me - can't get my email address to show, it's