Wednesday, December 20, 2006

photographic evidence

and the stitch markers i finished for my mom. to the left is a small oilcloth pouch i made her for all her knitting accoutrement's, and up above are some nifty needle holders. there's actually one more marker i made her, but i forgot to take its picture. it is cute, though!


Anonymous said...

Oh, yummy looking! How do you get your ice box cookies so round? Mine alway turn out squarish...

amanda said...

the secret is to use a long ruler. you sort of smush the dough into a cylinder pull one side of the waxed paper (or parchment)longer on the top, take the ruler and use it to force the dough back. the ruler creates even pressure on the dough, and the wax paper lets it move around without getting your hands all grubby.