Tuesday, August 19, 2008


in progress, originally uploaded by pinprick.

this was my one day off this week. i am not complaining, per se, but i am explaining in case i am a fussy mess later this week. i got a lot done today; oil change, haircut, toenail polishing and grocery shopping. i have an early day at work tomorrow, and a bachelorette party to attend tomorrow night. the bachelorette in question isn't one of my favorite co-workers, but it's not as though i hate her or anything. she's just one of those girls who happens to be ten years younger than i am but impossibly matronly. i've alway thought of her as a housewife, that's how she acts, this whole wedding thing just confirms it. the cocktails and ridiculousness, though, i can get behind.


Anonymous said...

twitter is still doing that crap. no idea how to stop it?

Anonymous said...

I think it has something to do with having your recent tweets appear in the sidebar since you have "protected your updates" on twitter. Since you are already logged into twitter, you are not asked to verify your user name, etc, and therefore you don't see what anonymous is talking about.