Sunday, January 27, 2008


too much information time. if you are squeamish about bodily functions, please move on. i went out friday night with some friends to sing a little kareoke and eat chinese food (there is a place in mt. vernon where you can do all that plus go bowling). i had a few beers, enough to feel nice and tipsy but not enough to be drunk. at about two a.m., though, i found myself in the bathroom puking my brains out. then the pooping starting. all that night i kept thinking "i know i didn't drink enough to be this sick" but in my sleepy-barf-addled state i never once thought "food poisoning." in retrospect i'm pretty sure that's what i got. i spent all day saturday sleeping and barfing and pooping, which sucked because that made two days of work i missed this week (they must hate me now), and also because i can think of more preferable things to do with a day off; things that don't involve stomach cramps and your intestines trying to escape. i woke up nervous this morning, not looking forward to another day of lower g.i. distress, but so far i've had half a cup of ginger ale and no puking. i don't work until 2 this afternoon so i'm going to move onto ramen and see if i don't die. cross your fingers!

1 comment:

April said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Missing work for actually being sick sucks. Much more fun to "pretend" to be sick and actually doing something fun, not puking! Take care!