Saturday, January 19, 2008

when the cat's away...

the mice do mainly boring girly stuff. the fisherman is off in bellingham, spending the night with his buddies so they can get up early and go snowboarding tomorrow. i have to work tomorrow and to be honest, wasn't too upset at the idea of having the apartment to myself tonight. i was even invited out with them tonight, but i just dropped them off and said "bye! call tomorrow!" after spending some time at walgreen's (where i scored an awesome sparkly eye-liner, thanks wet 'n wild!), i did all the stuff that i've been meaning to do for weeks, like dye my hair. i also exfoliated my heels and deep conditioned my hair. throw a little arrested development in there, a ham and cheese sandwich, and some time spent on youtube and you have my friday night. of course, for me it's only tuesday so i don't feel too bummed having hung around the house instead of going out. good times!

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