Friday, February 24, 2006


i'm not posting anymore until i get some goddamn comments. what the hell does a girl have to do to get some comments? i know you're stopping by, it's not that big a leap to leaving comments. is it the having to enter the random letters so i can make sure you're not a spam-bot? does that bug you so much?

most of the time i don't care if i get them or not, i think of them as a nice perk to blogging, but i'm not too full of pride to admit that lately it bugs me that i don't get any. lots of other bloggers get lots of comments. what am i doing wrong? i think part of the reason it bothers me so much is because i spend all day talking to arrogant assclowns who think their cell phones somehow prove their worth, and this blog is one of the few places i get to talk to people who don't give a shit about the latest in cellular technology. throw a girl a bone, jeeeesus. i just want some regular, grown-up talking.

no more posts until you become more interactive. the end.


dm said...

shit. and I thought maybe I was commenting too much.

tonight was lame.

Spacebeer said...

I don't usually get many comments, but the last few weeks have seemed like less than usual... Perhaps because its February? I've never really cared for February...

Anonymous said...

I may not be from Utah but you know I love hearing you talk about it and your favorite Mormon stories!! Hee-hee! Don't always have time to leave comments but I'm here! Miss you!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with dm. I didn't want you to think I was stalking you or something. Sorry for thinking!

Anonymous said...

Hey there. I keep seeing things in Seattle that remind me of you in odd ways! A co-worker's daughter came in and had a pink bag with Frida Kahlo on it. Also, I saw yesterday in the Stranger that Cremaster 3 is playing at the Egyptian, and I remembered you telling me about those movies. So I still think about you, even if I don't comment often!
Send me an e-mail and I'll give you the link to our wedding-planning website...

Anonymous said...

Hi Amanda! Checking in to comment.

I don't know why I don't comment more often. I quite like your blog and think of you as one of my co-blogging friends.


Anne said...

me, too! No one leaves comments on my blog. I read everyday, well multiple times a day. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I refuse to leave a comment when coerced!