Thursday, May 04, 2006

such a sweet face

do you see this face? i love this face. aria let me take some photos of her this afternoon, after i plied her with some dried anchovies. i sometimes think that's the reason aria likes me to begin with, i keep her supplied with dry fishies.
munch is coming along! i think i'll finish him tonight, unless i get bored and wander off to do something else.

i got an oil change today and went to the post office and that was it. my head is killing me, so it might not have been just caffiene induced. i'm blaming it on barometric pressure. damn, why don't i have a cool barometric pressure watch? until i get one, this is quite handy.

p.s. i am trying out technorati tags.


Anonymous said...

She does have beautiful markings. Nice clear picture, too. Tux got the dried anchovies once and went totally gaga. And about 1/2 hour later he got to enjoy them again. Evidently they were too rich or he just loved them so much he swallowed them too fast. Where do you find dried anchovies anyway? These were a gift.

Anonymous said...

The pressure in my computer room is 1013 millibars. I'm only telling you this because I can!

amanda said...

i find the dried anchovies at most asian grocery stores. they use them to make soup sometimes, but other times you just eat them right out of the bag. especially the little ones; mixed with some rice crackers and peanuts it's a good time.