Thursday, July 13, 2006

careful, the sloth might be contagious

i got nothing done today. when i say nothing, i mean it. no laundry, no going to the post office (or even the mailbox), no grocery shopping, no folding of clothes and putting them away, no knitting even! oh my god, how can i be so lazy? i took two naps today. that's approximately one more nap than most people should take in one day, unless they are sick, and i'm not even sniffly.

i am a slug. i did start reading franny and zooey today, though, a book i've always meant to read.


Spacebeer said...

Reading counts as doing something. If it didn't, I would be totally screwed...

Anonymous said...

Go check your mailbox...there might be something fun in it!

Anonymous said...

i love it when she faints int he restaurant.