Monday, July 03, 2006


when cherries are in season, and not insanely expensive, i will eat them until my teeth are purple.

no crying today. i'm thinking in straight lines for more than five minutes at a time. work was not awful. my friends rule. so does the couch and ordering pay-per-view movies (nothing to return! you watch it and then you're done!). i still have a ways to go, but the immediacy of the panic, the way i felt all small and compressed and unable to see anything outside myself is going away. soon i'll write posts that aren't all self-obsessed and only about my brain.


Unknown said...

i haven't checked in on you in ages and here i find we're both yapping about cherries in our! yay for purple teeth.

i kinda skimmed through your recent posts. **hugs** i hope you'll buzz me when you're back out west here. ;)

Anonymous said...

Nothing better than some summer cherries! Although I choose the Rainier cherries (the yellow/red mix ones) so the kids don't stain ANYTHING!!! Not only would their teeth get colored but so would anything they touched or breathed on if they ate the big, ha-ha!! Enjoy and eat 'em up!!

Anne said...

Great picture! We went berry picking on Sauvie's Island, I bet they have cherries later in the summer. Next time you're in town we'll take you, it's great!