Wednesday, July 23, 2008

reasons i hate my sister

  1. she can get me to do pretty much anything with the promise of a new eyeshadow. tonight i'm babysitting my niece in order to get a free lancome shadow, a crazy pretty shade called personal style. in real life it's a lot more peacock-y.
  2. she got me hooked on maroon five. could adam levine have a more nasally voice? could the songs be any more ridiculous? could i be any more hooked? the answer to all of those is "yes." dammit.
  3. her baby is like crack to me, i can't get enough.
  4. she's always super-well put together and no matter how cute i feel when i leave the house, i feel shlumpy next to her. true, i take five minutes to get ready and she takes considerably longer, but does she always have to be so damn cute?
  5. all the clothes she picks out for me are adorable and expensive and worth it. i spend too much with her! in high school she was my personal stylists and i must admit she's got a good eye for what works on me.


Anonymous said...

I have the 4 and 5 problems too. I don't even know how to shop by myself anymore.

Anonymous said...

It's a good kind of hate.

April said...

You may have 4 to hate (and they don't seem too hateful), my guess is you would have 100 times that on what you love. That is the great thing about having a sister. :o)

Dude, when are you coming out this way? I REALLY would love to get together!!