Sunday, January 25, 2009

the boyfriend just came over to my house for some much-appreciated, adults-only, alone time. not to say we don't both just dig the hell out of his kids, but sometimes we want to make-out on the couch and not have a smart-ass 14 year old go "ewww..." news flash! grown-ups sometimes want to snog and grope while watching tv! we were, after all, teenagers once.

we've passed the one month mark. of course things are all still hearts and stars and kissing in the kitchen when we think no one's looking, which is pretty normal for this stage in a relationship, but i'm telling you this: it feels like more than your standard honeymoon phase. it feels better, which is to say it feels like feathers and sparklers and tickles and bites. hard to describe, but not too hard to feel. it still feels big and makes me giggle, and 24 hours without seeing him still seems like days. i can't get enough of him.

here's what i wanted to ask you, though; when did you know? is there a "too soon" when you meet someone seriously awesome? i vacillate between wanted to climb something high and shout about how fantastic and wonderful he is, and feeling shy like it's too soon, like i can't possibly know what i'm talking about and should keep my pie hole shut. so i'm curious about your story, when you knew you loved someone, how you knew, if you told the whole world or kept it a secret for a while. i want to talk to someone about it, and you guys have got to have a few good stories for me.


swatymyers said...

So, as you may or may not know, I met my husband online. We chatted back and forth for three weeks (I was in Texas, he was NYC) when I made the decision to meet him.

About two weeks later we officially met in a hotel lobby and went to dinner. The next day I checked out of my hotel and went to stay with him. Two days later I got a job and 10 days after our first date I moved in with him (relocating from Houston to NYC in the process).

That was all 10 years ago. I always thought that "when you know you know" was a cliche, but it *was* kind of plain as day.

As long as you're comfortable with how things are going just appreciate the moment and see where the wave takes you!

Spacebeer said...

I'd say I knew early on that I really really liked Dr. M, and after a few weeks I was pretty sure it was a definite thing. We didn't say the big I Love You until we had been dating for three months, but after we did it all sort of gushed out and we moved together to Texas after ten months of dating.

Anonymous said...

Although I joke about sleeping with my cutie on our first date we had known each other about 6 months. We met at work and over that 6 months I got to know him in meetings, sitting next to each other, sharing a phone, team dinners, etc. So, by the time the first date came along I kind of knew he was someone I wanted to spend a good deal of the future with...

Anonymous said...

I knew after the first date. She was a junior accordian polka champion so how could you not fall in love with that. I dont think i let myself admit it until the three month mark. I married her and spent several wonderful years with her, until our personalities grew apart and we divorced. No regrets. I'm a better person for having been close to her. I heard someone say that for the first six months of dating someone that you are not dating that person, but you are dating their agent. After the six month mark you can see past all the false advertising. That's not to say those first six months aren't real and aren't the best thing ever. Those first six months are what love is all about Charlie Brown. And if you can somehow hold on to those feelings through out the long jouney of a relationship, well, may just have something special there.

Anonymous said...

I met my husband online 10 years before we actually met. We'd chatted and become penpals, and about 5 years ago, I decided we needed to meet (that, and I needed a vacation). I was in Ohio, and he was here in South Dakota, and as soon as I walked into his living room, I felt completely at home. I stayed with him a week, we told each other "I love you" before I headed back to Ohio, and then I started making my plans to move out here. Now we're all domestic and stuff, with the house and kid, and life couldn't be better! Sometimes, you really do "just know."

Anonymous said...

Eric and I had been hanging out for a very fun month when he had to go out of town for two weeks over Christmas. I spent the holiday alternating between feeling glowy, wondering if I was ready to be in a relationship at all, and being terrified things wouldn't be the same when he got back. But then he came home, it was better than ever, and not too long after that it was really for real.

wixlet said...

I love stories like this! It would be so much better to be sitting on someone's couch going through photo albums while listening to them, but then guided tours through other people's photos is my freakish idea of a good time.

NC and I went to high school together, so we have known each other for an astoundingly long time. We had a rollercoastery first few years filled with insane highs and horrible lows, but 'knowing' made the difference between splitting up for good and trying to work things out. There wasn't one defining moment, though, but I am also less about the sharp turns than some folks. Also, I am fucking nuts but the husband loves me in spite of all that.

Anonymous said...

my husband and I have an intersecting circle of friends and it is a weird freak of nature that we didn't meet 15 years ago at the bondage dance club we all went to. but it's a good thing we didn't because I feel pretty sure we would have hated each other seeing as how we both had massive attitude that has since mellowed.

After a few months of dating and nigh unbearably painful lust/love/can't stop thinking about him, he dropped me off at home one day and I just thought to myself, "dude, do NOT let this man get away from you. he is the best thing since sliced bread."

heehee. i love hearing peoples stories like this. i think you have a good one in the making.