Sunday, August 15, 2010

it's like buying a new dress!

man, i think i more than really like the new blogger templates and options.  see how cute my blog is now? still nerdy (thank you, book background!), but it looks way better than my home-grown, cobbled together mess of html.  i never was very good at coding. 

so if you are still over on typepad, and part of the reason you stayed was because typepad had great looking templates and options, now you know you don't have to.  blogger is free, easier than ever to customize, and i totally didn't make any money shilling for them just now.  in the few years i've been blogging over here, i've had nothing but good experiences.  you should move into my bloggy neighborhood! 


Sarah said...

I like your new template! Nice books! I usually read you on Google reader, but I had to click over and check out your new look.

Ashley said...

I love the new blog template - the background is great, and it's much easier to catch up if I'm behind now that you have the archives so accessible.

Tonya said...

I like it, too! I've had my design for a few years now and you're making me think it's time for a change. Mmm.

Unknown said...

I moved into your 'hood a little while ago... can't decide if I want to bring my domain back or not, but as soon as I don't have a site I feel SO WEIRD!