Wednesday, May 20, 2009

home again

me and D and boosh, originally uploaded by pinprick.

vacation was awesome. seriously. what i love about this photo is it sums up the trip pretty accurately. this is D and i in wicker park, with my friend megan and her cute boyfriend R, having eaten a great lunch, spent time browsing bookstores and having one celebrity sighting (i met danger mouse! whoo!).

i didn't realize how huge chicago was/is, and didn't get to see all the people or places i wanted. this is unfortunate for a few reasons, but i'm also glad for a good reason to go back. by the time we left, D and i were talking about coming back. there are a million things the kids would love to see, and while chicago is definitely a big city, it seems family friendly. we saw lots of families out and about, and with all the museums and parks and shops, there's something for everyone. it was great to have a grown-up vacation by ourselves, but the next time we go we're totally bringing the kidlets.

i have a million things to tell you, but i also have to go back to work today (boo, hiss), finish cleaning up and posting photos, and the house is wrecked and needs a good cleaning. tomorrow or maybe tonight i'll have a better summary for you.

did i mention the food in chicago is superb? because it IS. i could tell you as much about the meals i ate there as the other awesome things i saw. i'm pretty sure i'm fifty pounds heavier, and i don't regret a single bite!


Rachel said...

That's such a great picture--I'm glad you had a good time!

Penny B said...

Glad you enjoyed. Too bad you couldn't squeeze a visit ith my sisters and brother. So, you have to go back! Yes, the food in chi-town is amazing. I still miss it...

Sharyn said...

So glad you enjoyed Chicago! I've been exploring the city regularly for the last 20 years and there's still so much I want to see. Some day you'll need to do a Chicago/Wisco combo and hit up the House on the Rock. So amazing.