Tuesday, November 07, 2006

doctor recommended

the cure for a crappy mood is tuna noodle casserole. i had no idea! i have none other than dr. joolie to thank, because if she hadn't mentioned tuna noodle casserole on her site, i would have never understood it's restorative powers. i feel as though my will to live has been reinvigorated! cheesy, tuna noodle goodness, complete with a crunchy top of salt & vinegar chips and more baked cheese. how can a meal comprised mostly of things that come out of cans be so delicious and make me feel so much better? i even called my pop tonight to tell him how great it turned out, and how good it was to eat, and he said, "well hon, they call it comfort food for a reason." good call, pop.

i made a very cool christmas present today that i can't show you because more than one person is going to get it. i won an auction on ebay for a very cute pair of shoes. it's true i was searching for a different style dansko, a mary jane style, but when i saw the melodie's i had to get them. they are very elaine, and very 1990's, and just like every pair of shoes i bought in high school (outside of cons). plus, there was only five minutes left to go, and i got them for under $60 with shipping. i'm also selling some shoes on ebay, which are not making much money. that would bother me more, but at the same time they are shoes i don't wear and will soon be out of my house. they have a day left to go; i'm hoping that the higher they make it on the list of "ending soonest" the more they'll go for. i pissed the cat off royally because i wouldn't let her out of the house. yesterday she thought it would be great fun to get into a cat fight, then crawl around in an oil slick. she came inside ruffled and reeking of engine oil, slippery and fussy. we decided it was best for her to stay inside for a day or two, but she thinks otherwise. bad news bears showed up today as well, and i can't say anything about billy bob that spacebeer hasn't already said. i love him. not in spite of his name, but perhaps because of. i know he's an odd duck, but he's an odd duck i want to make out with. also, the movie was great fun, in a sweetly endearing foul-mouthed sort of way. and last but not least, i had a cup of tea at 7 and now might never sleep again.


Spacebeer said...

Oh man, that Billy Bob, I love him too...

Anonymous said...

What a great picture -- I never expected that a photo of TUNA CASSEROLE would ever make me ever yearn for it. Hmm.