Wednesday, November 01, 2006

they might revoke my license

not my driver's license, friends, no--not that. my license to be 29. one day into a new year, a new age, and this is what i bought with my hard-earned money. a big, green, froggy humidifier. i've been wanting this since last year when i discovered the cold, dry colorado air and i don't get along. i wanted this humidifier then, i wanted it badly, but it was in the $40 range, and while i am a weirdo i am also a cheap weirdo. instead of buying it, i bought a perfectly reasonable, practical, inexpensive bean-shaped thing. while it does the job it also sounds like a jet plane and is not a green frog. then! one day, poking through the wonders at target i ran into my green frog again. this time, it was marked down. way down. like almost 50% marked down! you think the next part of this story is going to be "i pulled out my wallet and bought it right then," don't you? you'd be wrong. i made myself wait three whole days, to see if i really did want it, then ran back to the store where i swept my green prince off his feet and into my home. he's adorable, he's humidifying the air, and i am a happy girl.
i also figured while i was there, since i'm obviously starting off 29 on a very adolescent note, i'd buy the panic! at the disco album i wanted. yes, they are teenage boys singing earnestly about girls and writing song titles that border on novellas, but i can't help it. there is something deeply satisfying to me about singing along to their songs, and what the hell? i bought a green frog humidifier today. 29 is great and all, but if it can't respect my desire to indulge in my inner teenager, then it can kiss my ass.

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