Monday, April 30, 2007


blue flowers, originally uploaded by pinprick.

i am poor and should not be spending money. however, this afternoon i ordered lotta jansdotter's book (sorry, you have to look it up!). i saw it mentioned first over on chez shoe's, and still have the blog entry posted as "new" in my bloglines so i wouldn't forget the name of the book. the other day i was out looking for something at a local craft store when i saw the book in person. that was it! i knew i was doomed. i would have bought it right then and there, but you know what, the lady who runs the store is a bit of an ass to me every time i go in there. i'm very particular and jerky about things like that. this is a great craft store, too, and i tried to give the lady who is always working there the benefit of the doubt but i've been in there at least three or four times since i've been home; each time buying all sorts of things, and never once has she been pleasant. that might just be her style, but i have so little use for that shit. getting a good look at the book just made me want it more though, and i can hardly wait to crack into it! there are so many cute pattern in there. i want to make them all.

i tried to watch beerfest today but it was so impossibly bad that i fell asleep. i love a dumb, fun movie as much as the next person, but this was truly uninspired. i also saw vacancy last night, and thought it was fairly good. not the greatest horror movie i've ever seen, but i did enjoy the banter between luke and kate, and it was perfectly paced and fun to watch. i would rate it as a renter. getting out of the house to actually see a movie was just what i needed, i think. i've been watching a lot of them at home (because really, what else is there to do but drink and annoy my pop?), but there's nothing like sitting in a theater to make you feel like you've accomplished something. wink wink.

i need a job.

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