Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the only way i can get from here to there

me dad christmas 2, originally uploaded by pinprick.

pop's routine surgery went very routine-y. he was freaked out about going under all the way, and who can blame him? he's had a variety of surgical things done, and all of them he's stayed awake through because he's convinced he will go out like a light and stay that way. needless to say, he's pretty pleased that didn't happen. they took out his entire lymph node (it was scheduled to be just a biopsy), though, and we have more tests to go through and more doctors to talk to. i say "we" but it's really mom and dad going through this. they are the grown-ups; my sister and i are in our own orbit, with one of us doing a lot of crying and one of us saying, "no way" and looking around blankly. frankly, i thought i'd be the one weeping but oddly enough i am just stunned into quietness. dad is in a good mood, thanks to not being killed by the anesthesiologist, and all there is left to do is wait some more and let the doctors and experts figure some shit out. at this point it could go either way and while normally i am a big fan of playing the "what if?" game, this time i just can't. i can only wrap my brain around one possible scenario, and it involves us all laughing heartily and eating dinner. to even think there might be another scenario is like someone knocking the wind out of me or that fuzzy eye feeling right before you throw up. the wait is awful and i hope it ends up that this is just another post we forget about in a few days, that i don't have to grow up all the way just yet, that i can stretch this ridiculous extended adolescence out a few months more. i like having a dad, i want to keep it that way.


Anonymous said...

Best wishes for your dad.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, please let me know how your dad is doing. Email me directly. And give him my love.