Monday, September 01, 2008

mas fuerte! or, how to actually get me excited about a date.

i am very tired and should be sleeping, but i'm trying my hardest to stay up. tomorrow is my only day off this week, thanks to yet another quitter at work, and while the overtime will be awesome, i'm dreading that seven day stretch. not only that, but next weekend (this next sunday) is inventory YET AGAIN, meaning another overnight work shift. it all culminates in my dreading going to bed because that's just going to start the cycle of crap my life has become.

i'm in a foul mood, thanks to the work situation and a visit from my monthly female friend. when PMS rears it's ugly head i always swear up and down that this never happens to me, that my being pissy and fussy and grumpy and frumpy is a rare occurrence, but i wonder if i just do that so i don't feel so doomed about it. bleh.

oh, and i got asked out on a date, in a proper sort of way. "proper" as in, "hey, we should go see a movie or something together sometime" and while it's nice in theory, the execution leaves something to be desired. is that strange? i mean, i haven't even gone out with the guy and already i'm critiquing his moves. all day at work i had this discussion with josh about what i have termed the mas fuerte* scale; 1 being a guy who is a crazy, lame pushover, and 10 being the guy who is so macho, so alpha male that it makes you sick, and five being mr. average. a 5 guy's got some mas fuerte moments, but knows when to tone it back. personally, i'm looking for a man who scores a 7. (maybe an 8 at times.) this guy who asked me out, his approach thus far has him at a 3 or 4. is this indicative of what's to come? would going to a movie with a normal, nice guy be such an awful thing? am i nit-picking because i am a bitter old hag? who knows. perhaps i should sleep on it, do some tinkering on the mas fuerte scale, and maybe, just maybe, try to reel in my hyper-critical inner bitch.

*my pidgin spanish for "most strong" or "not a weak-ass-talk-about-my-feelings-man." i might be a feminist, but that doesn't mean i want to date a man who acts like a woman.

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