Monday, September 15, 2008

how would you feel about an update?

i am still seeing the boy i met last weekend. of course, he isn't really a boy; he's a grown-up with a real job, a car, and a kid, but i can't shake that habit of calling them all boys. it's been a super fun week, to be perfectly honest. not to jinx things by talking about it, i will say i am having a grand time and feeling very cute and perky. plus, he lets me play his drums, which is crazy fun. o-m-g, you can really beat the shit out of those things. whoo!

other than that, i am getting ready to officiate a friend's wedding next weekend (this weekend, really), watching lots of bizarro foreign films and secretly enjoying a shit-ton of rooney. i know, i know, they're all teeny-booper tween, but I LOVE THEM. and not just because they have a cute schwartzman in the band. no, i love them because they feel like ben folds five and the lemonheads had a baby that was raised entirely on ELO.

1 comment:

wixlet said...

we are not raising our baby -entirely- on ELO, but close. damned close.