Thursday, September 04, 2008

early up!

i had to get up at five this morning to work. i NEVER see five a.m., unless by chance i am just falling asleep or having some wicked insomnia. it was very strange and quiet and kind of smelled pretty. very green and new and fresh, with a subtle hint of autumn. good times.

i really do need to quit my job. i hate to say it, because i say it or think it pretty much constantly, but it's true. i hate it. i hate that i don't get paid shit, that i have more responsibility than i should, and get pulled around every which way from corporate. ugh. my benefits aren't even that amazing to put up with this. if i moved i could totally get a better job, right?

also every time i hear anyone mention palin or see her on tv i want to scream. amazingly, until this time i was able to keep my crazy liberal mouth shut at work, but today when someone was all, "oh, i just love her," i said, "yeah, she's great! she promotes abstinence only sex-education and her 17 year old daughter is knocked up! she's awesome!" i got the stink eye, but you know what? it's funny 'cause it's true, and that stink eye was delicious.


Anonymous said...

That stink eye is worth it BECAUSE you speak the truth!

Anonymous said...

I hate her. They are in Wisconsim right now and she is giving the very same speech there. One note Sarah?

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin sucks and you are awesome for pointing out that she sucks.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, I cannot take this! The other moms at the school bus stop LOVE her. Even the ones I thought had some sense. So I asked "do you really want our children to be taught creationism?" and no one had much to say. Also - she shoots animals from helicopters. That's awfully sporting of her.