Tuesday, September 28, 2010

one more thing...

remember that marathon i'm doing in a few weeks?  if you've been waiting to donate, you can do so now.  you know, no pressure!  but if you'd like to throw a few bucks my way, donating to an awesome cause and helping raise money for cancer research, you should do it this week.  i guess the deadline for funds is this friday.  huh.  i thought i had longer, but i don't! 

check it out over here, my friends.  i can't prove it, but donating money to chubby girls who plan to walk way too long to raise money for a disease that sucks ass will probably get you into the heaven of your choice.  just saying...


Jen said...

On a slightly related note-- I have been growing out my hair to donate, and tomorrow is the day! Oh yeah and I agreed to do it on tv!

amanda said...

jen! i saw part of your segment on tv! i didn't get to see it all, because i was working, but you had a TON of hair to donate. someone's going to have an awesome wig. way to go!