Sunday, May 07, 2006

i really want some candy

why are there no red vines in my house? i need a red vine. i actually need about five to fifteen of them.

M is sick and insists on coming into work. the past few days i've felt my glands swell up and my throat get scratchy, which makes me mad because if he had just stayed home i might not feel so yucky. last night i slept for ten hours. tonight who knows! i thought i had tuesday off this week but it's actually monday. i'll probably spend the day watching movies and knitting and trying not burn down M's house.

i'm going to go out and get some candy. and ginger ale.

updated to add: i was on my way out, then the phone rang. it was mom. we talked. while we talked law & order: svu came on. i'm watching it and thinking about how if i go out now and get a few supplies (candy and ginger ale and maybe juice) then i can come home, take off my bra, and lounge for a full 24 hours. but this is an episode of svu that i haven't seen. and tutuola just wore glasses as a disguise. it's possibly the most genius episode ever. superman as a rapist! i might not get out of the house for another half hour.



dm said...

mr pibb + red vines = crazy delicious. I'd never heard of red vines until, like, 6 months ago. I don't think they have them in tx.

Anonymous said...

dave, you = tard. red vines have been here 4 evs.

asb, can you do a lt. van buren? puh-leeze?? she is a bad ass.

and csi's stokes' mustache is awful.
