Wednesday, May 17, 2006


i feel totally burnt out. on work, on colorado, on me, on everything. if i were a man, i'd grow a mustache right about now, just to take a break from my face. i've tried to blame this torpidity on the moon, customers, barometric pressure (my new favortie patsy), all to no avail. i think it's just me. i'm bored because i'm boring. if i take a few days off, it's because posts like this are ridiculous. i feel guilty not posting every day because i've basically been doing that for a few years now, but i feel worse posting drivel.

next week i get two days off in a row, which is what i think i need. one day off here and there doesn't give me much time to fully relax. i feel wound up tighter than a two-dollar-watch, like a bundle of raw nerves who are not happy to be here. more and more i notice my shoulders are all hunched together and my brow has a perma-furrow. i woke up in a bad mood a few days ago, and have yet to shake it. stupid, stupid neurosis. maybe what i really need is a nice shrink who believes in better living through chemistry, i.e. xanax.

a good night's sleep will have to do, though. cross your fingers.

(i've also totally convinced myself that looking for a new job was dumb, my interview was horrible, and i am doomed to sell cell phones by the sea shore until i pull out all my hair. at which point they'll move me to telephone customer service so no one will stare at the bald patches.)


Anonymous said...

but your alliteration is so alliterative! and tongue-twisty!

dm said...

definitely the barometric pressure. that has to be it.

Anonymous said...

you are not boring.

Good Company said...

I work in a call center as a CS rep, and I work there just for that reason. I can't stand working in the public eye anymore (retired hair dresser of 10 yrs) my remedy, take a mental health day, along with your two days off in a row, and pamper yourself!