Sunday, April 06, 2008

what the f?

yesterday i guess the fisherman decided to play the denail game; taking me out to breakfast, buying me flowers, wanting to talk. truth be told, i was confused but it was also kind of a nice day. i mean, in a weird and fucked up way, we are in this together and making it nice rather than nasty seems reasonable and commendable. right? fuck. i don't know. he calls me last night from work and is all chit-chatty and wanting to talk about his day, then he calls later when he's off work saying he's going out for a few hours with his friends. okay. i have to work today, i stayed home.

he never came home. why call and tell me you're going to be out for a few hours and then NOT COME HOME AT ALL? did i miss the memo? is this really how you act when you're trying to work shit out with your girlfriend? fuckity fuck fuck. is he just trying to see how much he can humiliate me before i cry in front of him?

i'm angry, feel like a chump, and also a little worried that maybe he got into some trouble last night. in short, i am a mess. remind me of all this when i'm crying about how my cats don't understand me, because then i'll remember the alternative.