Wednesday, June 21, 2006

i know, i know, three posts in one day

there's this moment after you take an ambien, when you should be asleep, but sometimes i stay awake for a few minutes after that. you can't stay up very long after that moment, but it's amazing. i was going to say it's like being on drugs, but then i realize, um, hi, you are on drugs what that moment hits. it's a crazy, spaced, slowed down feeling, like right after you wake up but don't realize you are awake. that moment comes last night while i was lying in bed, listening to my mp3 player like i do just about every night, when i looked over thinking "i should shut that off, it's time to sleep," but instead thought, "damn, that's pretty." somehow i got out of bed and found my camera in the dark, and took a bunch of photos. i forgot all about them until this afternoon, when i went to take pictures of something else and thought, "what?"

1 comment:

dm said...

I love to take an ambien (actually, only 1/2 an ambien) and then try to stay awake. You get in that half-asleep, dream state. I can only recommend doing this in the safety of your own home.