Monday, June 19, 2006

my soul is more dead than yours

i'm pretty bitter at having to be up and at work at 7:30 this morning. we had a training that lasted two hours that could have been cut down to half an hour, or better yet, we could have just all gotten a goddamn pamphlet with the same information. it was great to have donuts and have my boss harangue me for being "tired looking" all morning though. there's nothing better than hearing repeatedly, "i'm such a morning person, you're not are you?" um, no. i'm not. the more you point that out, the more i want to shove something sharp between your ribs! that would totally make being up this early worth it! i'm fairly sure there's nothing worse than having someone who claims to be a "morning person" point it out every thirty seconds. i might be more of a morning person if, you know, i slept. being told that i could just come home and take a nap bothered me even more. if i can't sleep at night, how the hell am i going to sleep during the day?

from now on i'm only making friends with insomniacs.



dm said...

you know, in Texas no one ever has to get up before 9:42am. it's a law.

Anonymous said...

I've never found a morning person I've been able to get along with, they usually seem so pleased with themselves that I want to smack them in the face. I used to work with someone who made a rule that we weren't even allowed to speak to each other until after 10 AM. It was great! Hope you get some sleep soon.
Tabitha99 occasional insomniac and never a morning person.

Anonymous said...

... use the baby shiv...
