Thursday, August 24, 2006

dumb question

i'm up too late (have to work early tomorrow and i admit i'm sleepy) trying to figure out why when i downloaded the latest firefox i lost my scroll bar. i can't scroll from side to side on pages that are wide. i also can't zoom to the bottom or tops of pages that are very long. this annoys me to no end. can you help me? did i download it wrong? is there somewhere i can go to fix it? i tried edit and view and tools, and haven't found anything. i'm feeling dorky for being irritated by this, and even dorkier for not being able to figure it out.

favorite part of tonight: saying to my roommate, "we only had two beers" and having her say back, "yeah, but it was 42 oz of beer." math!


dm said...

yeah,, but were they those awesome colorado/utah 3.25 beers? that's the real question.

holy shit I'm drunk on a thurs nigfht.

Anonymous said...

i gmailed what i found on your scrolling problem (since i realized you can't scroll there...). holla.
