Wednesday, July 19, 2006

the love of octopi, it is universal

i am not normally a big plastic clip in my hair sort of girl. however, this is an octopus clip, and i have a long hair. i use these things in my hair in the shower, so i can keep the conditioner in longer. i also use them sometimes when i paint, to keep the hair out of my way. this octopus clip, it is insane. i have it in right now and all my hair is in it, pulled up and folded in half, and i'm shaking my head around it hasn't come loose. it's kind of amazing. yay for hair science!

also, i know it's short notice, but i actually have a job interview tomorrow (just at work!) and i'm worried about that part of my hair this is still dark brown. if i dye my hair again tonight, the parts that got missed (and probably some of the surrounding area too, because who are we kidding? i wasn't that precise to start with), will it all fall out? should i wait a day? wear it in a ponytail tomorrow? although i have to say, no one at work even noticed i did anything to my hair, much less commented on the part i funked up. either they didn't see it, or they were just being nice.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You can probably dye it again. I once went blond but the first try wasn't blond enough, so I bought and applied a blonder dye and applied it. My hair didn't fall out.

Anonymous said...

heh, i have that same hair clip. it does keep the hair all nicely in one place but i always get a headache when i use it.