Monday, September 18, 2006


i totally met the man of my dreams today. actually, i met him a few days ago. he's cute, sort of nerdy, wears these cute glasses, and i think i maybe made him blush tonight. yes, he's a customer, because work is the only place on earth i meet men. seriously. also, i'm going to say this out loud: i kind of want a boyfriend. not just a boyfriend for the sake of having one (those are easy to get) but i'd like to meet a boy i like and want to hang out with and get to make-out with too. i miss going to the movies, having someone to call up and say, "hey, i saw this cool thing in the paper, want to go ____?" so if mr. man of my dreams comes into work again, maybe i'll try being bold and saying something to him. after all, this silent-treatment thing i go for isn't exactly working.

i know, cheesy. what's more cheesy are those pretty noodles pictured above. this weekend i tried my hand at making honest-to-goodness cheese sauce from scratch. it wasn't ar hard as i thought it would be, and even though my sauce needs some work, it was ridiculously good. i carbo-loaded and napped and was very pleased.
speaking of pleasing (god, my segues rule!), i found episodes of arrested development on some channel i'd never even heard of before, G4. i love love love arrested development, and while it's in my netflix queue as we speak, it's nice to tune in at night. it makes my rage seem smaller. in fact, tonight i feel downright chipper. what the hell? being a woman is fascination, frustrating business, yo.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Why can't we have G4?