Sunday, September 17, 2006

i hate my job

i know, you're surprised, right? they want me to work tomorrow, even though i had that day off. mondays suck at work, suck more than they do anyplace else, because for some reasons only jerks come in on monday. i know this because i work basically EVERY MONDAY EVER. i agreed to it, on the condition i get the three days off before thanksgiving. they aren't technically allowed to give it to me as vacation, because it's "blackout" but i don't give a shit. i am the only person in that store who doesn't have family in the state. the only one. i think they can spare me. it's been a year since i saw my people, and they'll all be at my sister's in california, and honestly, if they don't give me this vacation i'm fully prepared to sell my car and all my stuff, quit my job, and get the fuck out of here.

i'm sure part of my rage is hormonal, part of it is just the grind of working a job where you're basically expected to check all feelings of human dignity in the overheard compartment, and part of it is just that i miss my family. i don't even hate colorado anymore, it's not that, i just miss my people. i just want a few days with them to hang out and goof around, to meet the cutest niece in the world, and to eat all the delicious things my sister and mom cook. is that too much to ask for?

**this weeks rageful outburst fueled by hormones and not enough sleep**


dm said...

now there's the misanthropic amanda we all love.

Anonymous said...

perhaps this will help....

a kraken movie! i thought of you the second i saw the comercial. i might turn out to be an evil kraken but it is still a kraken movie. i hope you have the scifi network or can find someone to record it for you.