in a lot of ways the accident was the best thing to happen to me. it clarified a lot for me, extremely quickly. without it i'd stay even longer here, which wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily, but would keep me from what i think of as my real life. this is like one very long working vacation, i never felt settled in.
my pop is angry because he sees me as a failure and doesn't like to think he raised a kid who couldn't hack it on her own. it won't do me any good to point out to him that i don't feel like i completely failed; i made it out here on my own, i paid my own way, i got into some trouble but for the most part am coming home intact. there's no shame in (or at least not a lot of shame) in admitting this isn't for me. am i supposed to be miserable to prove a point? perhaps, but i don't want to be. i won't suffer just to show that i can and no matter what he thinks of me i'm still going home. my life isn't what he or my mother expected or wanted for me, but it's still mine. slightly screwed up and weird, awkward and strange at times, but it's what i've made for myself. i can't take any of it back, and regret never changed a thing for anyone. i promise not to talk a lot about it anymore, after all, what is there really to say? i moved, had some moderately good times, realized that it wasn't for me, went home. it's not that big a deal. he'll get over being mad, i'll get over feeling out of place (it will take some time though, i've felt this way for over a year now and it's like second nature to me), and everything will work out.
It makes me sad that your dad is mad. (Way too many rhymie words in that sentence). Sometimes parents (people) forget what it takes to find one's way. I do hope my son figures things out well enough so I don't have to constantly worry about him, but I'll always be a soft place for him to fall, if need be.
I'd say it takes more guts to admit something's not for you and do something about it, than to keep on trying when it just doesn't fit right. Hope your father realises that one day. Sounds like he comes from the same stock my dad comes from, grin and bear it, never give up etc. I say life's too short to waste!
you didn't fail at anything. you moved, you tried it and you didn't like it so you are moving on to the next adventure. failing would have been staying where you were because you were too afraid to try. i think your move was a success, you gained a better sense of yourself and what you do and do not want in your life and now you are moving towards a better situation. please don't let your father make you feel that way, i know that feeling all too well. you did not fail, not even a little bit.
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