Tuesday, March 13, 2007

notes from an empty house

this wine was so disgusting i had less than half a glass and then poured the rest down the drain. i bought it because gary taxali did the label art, but it was a disgusting mess of overly-purple swill, and while i am not above drinking cough syrup for a good time, i am against this. in the end, i didn't even keep the label!

things at work are deteriorating rapidly. my boss wants me to take less days off, he wants me to work more to help everyone out and while i love my co-workers, i have no love for the company. they dicked me around for eight months before hiring, offered me a higher position, took it away from me, and now they want me to be a team player. sorry, but it's not going to happen. besides, let's assume i do them this favor and work my ass off the next few weeks: the only thing that will happen is they'll put off getting a replacement for me and my co-workers will be doubly screwed. tough love hurts, but sometimes it's the only way! plus, i have a shitload of packing and tying up loose ends to do. even if i wanted to help them out, i just don't have the time.

i watched a movie about anton laVey and the satanic church last night, and while the black mass scenes were ridiculous and laughable, i really liked it. i want to go find a book about him now. i liked hearing him talk, and am totally curious now. i especially loved the old lady in the film; she has this cute short white hair, a red dress, a red pentagram and was the funniest thing on earth. i kind of want to be her when i grow up!

1 comment:

Josh Krauter said...

Jobs can go to hell. Straight to hell. Why do employers think that just because they pay you, they own you?