Tuesday, March 20, 2007

onion, with cream cheese and jelly

i'm pretty sure i ate a slightly moldy bagel this morning. i kept the package of them in the fridge, i don't know how it got moldy. before you freak out, it was only a tiny bit moldy, and it was only that last bite that tasted off, and one of my roommate's has the flu anyhow so maybe the mold will help protect me from getting the plague.

i promise a real post soon, talking about interesting things and not what i've had to eat/drink or what i've packed.

1 comment:

Spacebeer said...

I totally eat things with small amounts of mold on them (usually I cut the moldy bits out), and I also have eaten cereal on multiple occasions that had ants in it (which I discovered after they were floating in my milk). I tried to eat around the ants, but I'm pretty sure I ate some and just didn't care. I tried not to look too much once I saw the first ant.