Monday, June 16, 2008

tv on dvd

the problem with me is that lately i only watch television shows that are no longer on the air, so i rent or buy the dvds. what's awesome about it is i get to gorge myself on episodes, watching them whenever and however i want. a whole season at a time? awesome! right now i'm all into six feet under, and while i hated most of season 2 (it was just really awkward and tense and i developed a serious hatred of brenda), i hated it in a good way. it took a good long time to watch. season 3 i am loving, and have watched almost the whole thing. i'm one episode away from it being over.

this is when it sucks to watch an old tv show. i have a million questions like, what happens with lisa? where the hell is she? does brenda really redeem herself? is billy going to go batshit again? what happens to david, does he date the new guy or get back together with keith? and russell, what the hell. i kind of feel for the kid but am pissed about what he did to claire. what kills me is that i could get the answers to all these questions with a few google searches and some time spent on imdb. the temptation to learn all the answers is fierce! i won't do it, of course, and no one give me any hints, but the suspense is killing me.

edited to add: (assholes! i liked lisa. i did a lot of crying during the last episode. i just ordered season 4. assholes!)

1 comment:

mybloodyself said...

I'm afraid you have not even begun to cry. I finally got to the end last night. I bawled.