Sunday, October 08, 2006

fall days are the best days

the other day i was telling someone how much i loved fall, and they asked, "do you have a birthday in the fall?" i said, why yes indeed, i do. they told me that people usually love the season they're born in the best, but seeing as i hate celebrating my birthday i think this is just a happy coincidence on my part. for me the whole birthday part is the only downside to fall, and the good stuff is all mixed with in with getting to cook things i missed during the summer like roasted chickens and cookies, the leaves changing color, getting to drink more coffee, the days shortening*, and all that jazz. if we're going to talk about my birthday, though, it's twenty-two days until the big 2-9. i have to say i was sort of thinking of skipping it, and going right into 3-0, but i have decided against that. for one thing, one more year in my twenties means getting to make the "things i want to do before i turn thirty" list. i think that's a list worth making.

i'm also curious if anyone's switched over to blogger beta. is it fun? is it real different from this kind of blogger? do you regret the move? i like some of the new features offered (like categories) but i'm worried about the whole if-you-do-this-you-can't-take-it-back thing. sure, i'll mark my skin permanently with needles without a thought, but i don't think i can handle unalterable changes to my blog unless i know for sure that they are good.

*i don't like days insanely short, but i do like darkness showing up earlier. once it's dark i feel like doing stuff like cleaning and laundry and vacuuming, and having dusk show up an hour or so earlier means i get a lot more done.


Anonymous said...

It's funny, I'm the opposite. Once the sun goes down it's automatically fun time, and no more work gets done unless I really have to do it. My house is a mess right now, and I blame the sunset.

amanda said...

fun time is totally work time! if people are around, that is. when i'm by myself, then the sun goes down and i want to bake cupcakes, fold some laundry, clean the toilet...

Anonymous said...

I like fall best too, but they don't have that down in Texas. They just have slightly cooler and it rains a little more. Not quite the fun fall feeling...

And I just switched to the Beta version last week. I like it so far -- when you get comments emailed to you, it tells you which post they are on, the categories are nice, and it looks like there are some neat new template things, but I haven't really played around with those. Also if you already have a gmail account, you just use that id and password, so you can forget your old blogger id and use that brain space for something else!

of course, now I feel like google is monitoring my every move, but I'm mostly okay with that.

Anonymous said...

did dr. katz have that really shakey animation or am i thinking of something else. i do remember that show though. i should add it to the netflix if it is out there.

amanda said...

dr. katz was all squiggly! i loved that show. you should rent it, everyone should, because it was great.

Anonymous said...

fall si my favotire time of year too. holiday anticipation, the air quility is like nice and crisp. omg. today is so beautiful out!