Wednesday, October 25, 2006

i spend more time with my co-workers than i do anyone else on the whole entire planet. if i had to choose who i wanted to devote 40+ hours a week, i might choose some other people (you know, like friends or family) but i have to say, on the whole i don't mind spending basically every waking moment with the kids at work. yesterday i got to work at 8:30 in the morning and left at 8:30 at night, due to a work meeting and a slew of customers coming in at five-to-close. we were all expecting the work meeting to be stupid and boring, but we got a free dinner out of it, and honestly, it was a lot funnier than i thought it would be. our new favorite joke at work is "that's what she said," which we employ far more often than is neccesary. we think it's a joke that only gets funnier and funnier the more we say it, but i bet basically everyone else in my life is sick of hearing it. too bad! i think there was more of a point to this story, but i can't remember what it was. that's what she said!

also, halloween is just around the corner. the roommate's and are going to a party this weekend and tonight i picked up some more stuff for my costume. i don't think i've been this excited about the high holy holiday in years. i also picked up some amazing dia de los muertos fabric that i've been meaning to buy forever, and am hoping to make a new purse out of it soon. or something; it's so crazy pretty i'm not sure what to do with it. i kind of just want to spread it out and look at it a lot. last but not least, i don't have a muffin tin for some reason, so i bought one so i can make eyeball cupcakes. holiday cupcakes rule! that's what she said!


Anonymous said...

Ooh, that is purty fabric. Curtains? Skirt?

Anonymous said...

ooo thanks for reminding me oi need to go to the fabric store. now si the time to stock up on hiiiilarious hallooweeeen fabric.

Anonymous said...

dude. "that's what she said" is mine and my work-boyfriend's running joke too. we say it after pretty much everything, and it does get funnier and funnier. the problem is that since we've been saying that to each other for months and months now, it's in my brain - and it's hard to NOT say it to, you know, my BOSS. it's just the perfect reply to everything (that's what she said).