Tuesday, October 03, 2006

i do care what you had for lunch

but i still am very curious about this new book popping up on blogs everywhere, no one cares what you had for lunch, and kind of want to get it because lately i feel like my blog is written as follows:
  1. i hate my job
  2. this is what i'm knitting/sewing/embroidering/crafting
  3. this is what i'm cooking/eating/craving
  4. i drew this
  5. tentacles rule
  6. i miss my people
  7. look/listen/watch this
  8. colorado is weird because...
there is more to me, right? maybe a little guidance would shake me up a bit, and make my blog more fun! exciting! popular! oh wait, but i'm not really any of those things in real life. i don't want my blog to be all false-advertising-like-those-things-you-put-in-your-bra.

i could use a few good new writing topics though. maybe instead of buying that book right now, i'll ask if there's anything you want to know. anything. you know where the comments are, feel free to take me up on this. wondering what color my undies are? how old i was the first time i made-out with a boy? why i can't touch unglazed pottery? (i'll give you that one, because it's GROSS and makes the back of my throat close up.) who i was in a past life? help me out. maybe i'll also ban that list of things above for a few days and see what i come up. although i'd rather you did the thinking for me and stuff. before i go, though, let me just say the new decemberists album is good, but kind of sounds like maybe they were listening to a lot of rush. just saying.


Spacebeer said...

I want to know more about secret boyfriends. They are a hobby of mine, and also I have to come up with one for today and I'm drawing a blank! It is only 7 in the morning though. Something will come to me.

But seriously, weekly SB posts were the best idea I ever had for some bloggy content. I like Dr. M's Favorite Actor Monday post as well...

Anonymous said...

You haven't blogged about any weird dreams of late....

Anonymous said...

Oh! Thanks for reminding me that there's a new Decemberists album!

And hmmm. Being kind of fascinated with food, I actually *do* care what people have for lunch, too.

Anonymous said...

I really do care about what people had for lunch. Or what they're reading. Or their angst at work. Or their angst with whatever. (Angst works). But I do often feel that my own blog is boring at times and pretty much covers the same ol' same ol' over & over again, so I understand where you're coming from. Maybe I should read this book and make an attempt to liven things up. Or not.

Anne said...

I've used those fakies before. I like to pretend that I'm a "b" sometimes!

dm said...

blog topics (while a bit drunk)

1. you know that the dr katz peeps are the home movies peeps, too, right?

2. how did you not know of my love of all things buffy? we never even talked about it. sad.

3. speaking of the decemberists, when we were to totally wasted after that show we should have had drunken friendly make-out time. why didn't that happen?

ps. sean tillman aka har mar superstar aka sean-na-na was at the bar tonight. I'm glad he got a haircut.