Tuesday, February 27, 2007

blogging from work!

illicit! not cool! i could totally get fired for this! however, i'm leaving in a month so who cares?

everyone here knows now. i wasn't planning on telling anyone until two weeks before, but we had a small work emergency/crisis and it came out. our assistant manager was cut, not because they don't like her, but because they just decided to get rid of the position. they offered her either a step down or a severance package, and she chose severance. three months off with pay, i don't blame her. everyone else was freaking out about it, and when asked why i seemed so calm i told them i wasn't going to here much longer, so whatever. by the time the shit really hits the fan, i'll be busy packing and moving and not caring about anything but how many pounds of barbequed pork i can stuff down my gullet at uwajimaya.

the kids at work aren't thrilled, and a few of them have pronounced that i cannot, will not, move. they are doing everything they can to tell me how great colorado is, how i haven't given it enough of a chance, dealing with me (we'll find you a boyfriend! barbequed duck! better roommates! your own apartment!), then just refusing to believe me. it's nice to know i'll be missed, but not nice enough to make me stay.

it's just time to go west.

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