Friday, February 09, 2007

box o' goodness!

i got my valentine box from the incredibly good-looking o'neal family, and in there was a tin of tiny smoked oysters. they didn't last five minutes. i dug out the four crackers i had and ate them up. it was perfect timing really; i was hungry but not wanting to cook, and damn if i don't love smoked fish in tins. and! i got a bacon wallet! i pulled it out of the box and my roommate almost died. it was great. bacon is the king of meat, as far as i am concerned. the same as bourbon is the king of liquors.

i can't talk anymore though, because i have to finish unpacking. in fact, i'm going to shut the computer down so it doesn't distract me. unpacking is just as painful as packing for me! i'm going to make some coffee, take a sedative, and get to work.

i joke about the sedative! however, the two together, coffee and downers, is just about my favorite thing ever. if you ever wonder what you should buy me for the holidays, keep that in mind. i joke! a little!

1 comment:

Anne said...

I'm glad you liked your box. You've given me some ideas for the next one. I promise to send crackers next time, too!