Thursday, February 08, 2007

plastic is way stupid

i jsut stopped by joann's to have my little joe's framed, and for some reason my card didn't work. i knew for a fact that there was (is) money in my account; not a lot, but enough for what i needed to do. i tried another card, and that one didn't work either. i called the bank, and there was money in there. i came home and looked online and yes, there is still money in my account.

what the hell? i'm annoyed that i looked like such a loser at joann's of all places (i'm mad at them right now, and shouldn't even be spending money there but there are no other crafty places in the area and goddamn i need craft like some kids need crack), and super annoyed at my bank. on the one hand, yay for not spending money tonight, on the other boo at having to go back there tomorrow and figure out what the hell went wrong. i just want my joe's in frames! pretty, pretty gold ones.

on a funny note, i'm pretty sure the lady who was getting my joe's ready for framing thought i was a total wack-job. she was like, "um, did you paint these?" and i explained who dan goodsell was, and all about mr. toast and how i'm pretty sure someday the whole world is going to know about the imaginary world and my joe's will pay for my retirement home, but she was like, "um, okay, eggs." yes, eggs. the cutest eggs on earth, dammit. plus, they will go well with all the other stuff i have framed in gold. ever since i started painting at 12 i've had everything framed in gold. used to make my mother crazy, but now she knows better than to argue with me. besides, they are charming in a tacky way. plus, why shouldn't joe have the very best? gold frames for joe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought another joe the egg painting this morning. What have you done to me? :) I saw that he posted one on Flickr the other day and ruched over to the store, but it was gone, if it had been up there at all. So I've been looking every morning and today there was a yellow one. I got the bacon doll for my roomie, too.