Sunday, March 05, 2006

grumpy grump grump!

i'm excited about going bowling, but a lot less excited about wearing the shirt i made. i bought a shirt that's way too big, without realizing it, and it makes me look like a giant, shapeless dumpling. a dumpling of the unbaked, pasty variety. i didn't sleep very well last night, and tried to take a nap this afternoon but couldn't. i was in a good mood a few hours ago, but now? i'm a bit out of sorts. if i could stay home tonight, i would, but i can't and i know once i get out of the house i'll feel better. after all, there will be beer (!), bowling, and maybe junk food.

i don't mention much about my personal political beliefs, but from now on i'm never, ever, ever eating domino's pizza again. this is why. on one hand, i'm all for people with like minded beliefs creating their own communities. cohousing, socialist communes, even gated communites for the rich, all these things i'm okay with. just because i don't want to belong to a group doesn't mean i think they shouldn't be allowed to do what they want. if the group happens to be conservative catholics, more power to them. odd as this may sound, though, seeing as i am a catholic, i don't want to support a company whose founder is interested in controlling the sexual health of women (as well as men). he has every right to put his money where his mouth is, just like i do.


Anonymous said...

Good thing I never liked their pizza anyway...

Anonymous said...

I don't think he owns Douchimos any more but it's still tainted. Taint.
