Wednesday, March 01, 2006

worst. catholic. ever.

you aren't supposed to eat meat on ash wedensday. i've been craving a cheese burger for weeks, though, and today i broke down and got one. i haven't eaten fast food since my trip out here, and even though i broke the first lenten fast with it, it was pretty delicious.

also, i bought a bottle of cream ale named st. peter's. maybe that will counteract the cheese burger!


Anonymous said...

At least I won't be alone in hell...I had a cheeseburger this afternoon, too. Look for me, I'm the brunette in the red-rimmed glasses. : )

Anonymous said...

Wow, you made Lent last about 17 hours! But I agree you redeemed yourself with the St. Peter's. It tastes good, plus their bottles are truly lovely.

Anonymous said...

um, i ate a big ol' steak last night. on purpose. i am a very bad catholic, too. i just can't seem to do it any more without my grandma breathing down my neck... go figure.

Josh Krauter said...

When I was a sophomore in high school, my mom was doing some volunteer assistant-type work for our priest, so he brought some pepperoni pizza over one Friday night during Lent. We had just started eating when someone in my family (I don't remember who) realized out loud that we were eating meat. We all stopped and looked at the priest (Father Reggie), and he said, "Well, we've already started, so we might as well finish." He even worked the anecdote into his sermon on Sunday, getting some big laughs. We had some surprisingly great priests in my hometown, but, alas, it wasn't enough to prevent me from losing my faith (if I ever actually had it). I didn't even get confirmed in high school.