Monday, March 27, 2006

really? you want details?

i know i left out a lot about the other night's debauchery, but i honestly thought the details might be boring to you. maybe they won't be! here are some minor details, in random list form.
  1. i wore my red pants. not the dark red cords, nor the red dickies, but the bright red cords. i love those pants. those pants make me feel foxy in a way normally reserved for skirts. they are undoubtedly my favorite pants.
  2. i only bought one beer for myself. that was sort of nice, because you know, i'm broke.
  3. there were a lot of old styles consumed. but i didn't pay for one of them! and really, that's about the only way to drink an old style. i normally stay away from it, but they were out of pbr.
  4. there was a boy with thick, dark, slightly curly hair. i like dark hair. make it thick and slightly curly, and i will have a hard time keeping my hands out of it. i'm like a moth to a flame when there is good hair involved.
  5. he was, however, a republican. which means i could never marry him, because i don't want to raise kids in a mixed household.
  6. i stayed out really, really late. how late i'll never reveal, but it was late.
  7. even though i didn't get enough sleep, and didn't drink enough water, i had a good time. now that i've got a few days between feeling wretched and now, i can say with authority that i had a very good time and would go out again. although i am seriously going to have to start making sure i drink some damn water. i'm like a kid who thinks they're still in college, but is not.
the end! (oh, and i am still in sort of bad, grumpy mood that involves a dark cloud hanging above my head, but i'm in a better mood about being in the bad mood. make sense?)

1 comment:

Spacebeer said...

Oooooh, I like Old Style! And yet, they just don't have it in Texas. Luckily I have also developed a taste for Lone Star.