Saturday, February 25, 2006

another two days off

not on purpose, though. i seem to have come down with something in my tummy that insists on burning a hole right through me. the past few days i've been irritable and annoyed and in a door-slamming mood: evidently i was coming down with something. i have to stop being so damn predictable. i'm not sure what it is exactly, i only know that i don't feel like eating food, i'm tired and fussy, and my throat is a bit sore. the roommates were sick earlier this week, and i do spend all day with strangers, so i suppose now is as good a time as any to get sick.

taking a day off work is nice because i don't feel well enough to be pleasant around other people, but when you only work four days a week one day off is pretty expensive. good thing i enjoy top ramen as much today as i did as a kid.

i got amazing mail yesterday, including a book from dave that i'm already halfway through. it's a good read, interesting and well written, with a quick pace. it helps that i'm in no mood to do much else, but i bet even i weren't spending today in bed it would be hard for me to put it down. i have some sort of archeology show on in the background; the host is impossibly handsome and just serves to enforce the indiana jones archeologist stereotype of rugged, good looking men digging shit up. if you ever majored in anthropology/archeology, you know just as well as i do that most of the men involved aren't as dreamy.

and--the cell phone company is getting me a hotel to stay at in denver for my week long training next month (quickly coming up!). that means i'll be in denver for a whole week, so if you live there and want to get together for a drink or maybe some decent peking duck, let me know. i'm trying to get one of my co-workers to go out on the town with me as well, but she's got a "husband" and a "family" and will "miss them" too much to go out for cocktails. i roll my eyes at that, but then again, i'm bitter and she's happily married. it's now up to you to entertain me.


Anonymous said...

Right there with you. Yesterday I had all kinds of plans, but couldn't force my tired body to do any of them. Wound up falling asleep for the night at 8pm, and waking up achey today. Yay.

Anonymous said...

That's bullshit. The best solution for missing the hubby is to go out with some girls and DRINK. How can you miss someone too much to enjoy gin and tonic???