i am not too embarrassed to tell you that i check my stats on occasion. i don't check them horribly often, but i do like to see who might be coming by, where they're coming from, and how my readers might be different with this blog than others i've had. i'm curious (not shallow! no really!). i've noticed that a few of you are from utah.
i love utah. i love utah in a way i didn't know i could love a state i've never lived in and have little in common with. i love utah in a somwhat theoretical way, but i've also been there, and loved what i saw. the day dave and i spent driving through utah was one of the best days i've ever had. i turned 28 in utah. the very word "utah" sounds good to me and i use it whenever i can. there are days when i worry about having moved far away from home, when i feel like maybe i'm too old for this shit and get anxious and spastic, and on those days i always feel better when i think, "at least here i'm close enough to drive to utah." not, "i could always fly home," but "i'm only a day away from utah by car."
it's a beautiful place. it seems quiet to me. they have those great beehives everywhere. the state bird is the seagull because of this story. utah is both totally wholesome and totally mysterious. it was in a cremaster movie. they have gorgeous red rocks everywhere. there is a part of me that wants nothing more than to buy a tumbleweed tiny home and park it somewhere in utah and raise a whole slew of kids out in the woods.*
if you live in utah and stop by this blog, i hope you aren't too offended by my use of the f-bomb. that's the first thing i thought when i saw you were coming by. i don't know if you're mormon, and i'm pretty sure it makes me a jerk to assume you might be, but i just want you to know i love your state. i kind of want everyone to know how much i love your state. it makes me happy to know you're there. whenever i wear my beehive sweatshirt i think of you. fondly.
also, no one broke my car today! yay!
*the other version of this fantasy has me moving out to the western coast and building a yurt in the woods.
i would like to take this opportunity to recommend my favorite movie about utah/mormons: plan 10 from outer space. really, it has bees and beehives, but also robots and aliens. also: mormons.
I am living in utah... non-mormon. Please f-bomb all you want. When I worked in the prison here it was so refreshing to hear people curse again. Utah is interesting but it will drive you insane if you stay too long.
I was just thinking about you. Have you been to www.youtube.com. I've been watching tons of bowie video.
Oh my god. My ex-mormon fiance (who is highly amused by your love of Utah) suggested I share this with you: http://gprime.net/video.php/whatsaho. I've not seen this before, it's kinda funny.
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