Wednesday, February 22, 2006

a waste of a day

i feel like i got nothing done. oh right, because i didn't. in a way, i feel sort of bad about that. like i had this whole day to myself and squandered it, and i should have been doing something.
did you know that you can actually read the mormon scriptures on line? you can. i love the internet. after spending some time on the LDS website, i felt like painting more beehives. this is just the start of my latest drawing/watercolor. not great, but i'm trying to do something every day so that i maybe get better. working with watercolors is a lot of fun, but also totally different from any other medium. i do a lot of layering to get the color the way i want.

part of the reason i might be so interested in the mormon faith is their practice of long-term food storage. we all know i'm a bit of a worrier (about all sorts of massive emergencies like bird flu, nuclear apocolypse, natural disaster and the like) and have always kept some emergency supplies on hand. honestly, if i had the space/money/drive i'd keep a whole year's worth of food on hand too. it seems totally reasonable to me. knowing they feel the same way makes me all soft toward them as well. in fact, this website has been on my favorites lately. if you loved me, you'd buy me one of these. or a few of these. and this? makes me totally hot. i'm not afraid to admit i might have some issues, but if this is the worst of it, then okay. there could be worse things in the world than being prepared for catastrophe! like, say, wasting a perfectly good day doing nothing.

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