Monday, April 10, 2006

9 hours to bliss

want to hear something funny? i called mom tonight to bitch about my day, and out of nowhere she asked how my "love life" is doing. frankly, it's not. i don't go out that much, and my line of work mainly puts me in contact with people who are mad and jerks. dating? um, no. she told me she's going to do a nine hour novena for me. if you have a catholic mom, you know exactly the reaction this elicits: equal parts guilt and annoyance. what the hell. as if i don't feel enough like a loser, mom's doing a novena for me! whoo!

i'll never date again. this must be a sign from god.

1 comment:

amanda said...

oh good, that means i can blame this on maggie's unbearable cuteness. if she weren't so adorable, mom wouldn't want more grandchildren. what's funny is that she never wanted any in the first place--she was pissed right up until the time maggie made her way out of the womb. faced with her sweet pink face, though, she crumbled.