Tuesday, April 25, 2006

of tetherballs, meat, and bills

I am a tetherball!
Find your own pose!

Tetherball Traits and Tendencies: Tetherball is the pose of perfect compromise, the oasis of a full-contact sleeper coupled with a solitary sleeper. The pose allows the Pole (the solitary one) a free range of movement, while the tight self-embrace of the Ball (the full-contact one) supplies the necessary crowded closeness. Both sides win!

Comfort Zone: The Tetherball is part of the Wood sleepers family. Other Wood poses you might try include Pillow Talk, Pillow Listen and Stairway.

Note: A series of small hip pats (called "bubbles") from the Pole infuses the Ball with reassuring feelings of closeness without triggering the Pole's delicate sense of claustrophobia.

when you take an internet quiz and it's scarily dead-on, does that mean you are easy to figure out or does it mean it's a really good quiz? although i will admit that if i don't do the hip pat, i do the foot-touch. it's like holding hands, only with your feet.

i actually did some cooking today, and look! i am not the only one! i made an easy version of beef burgundy, which was delish but maybe could have used another twenty minutes to make the beefy bits more tender. i was hungry, though, so i ate it. it was nice to do some actual cooking. like kc i've been eating mainly sandwiches and whatever i can get from take-out. the other night my dinner actually comprised of a coconut nest, a few panda-shaped shortbread cookies, and a few sticks of pocky. nutrition in the form of chocolately goodness! or rather, non-nutrition.

the other afternoon i was talking to my sister and making fun of jackasses who come into the store all the time complaining about their phones being turned off, but when i look i see they haven't paid their bill. there's this one particularily methed-out couple who will come in and put ten dollars on the bill a few times a week, and the other day they came in pissed and when i looked i saw not only was their bill late, but had never actually been paid in full. the boyfriend had a few $100 bills in his hand, and he gave me forty while talking to someone on the phone about picking up tina later. dude, you can bitch about your bill all you want but don't do it while buying crystal meth in front of me. and complaining about the bill while you refuse to pay it is retarded.

of course, i completely forgot to pay my cellphone bill last month. i realized this yesterday when i got the bill and it seemed insanely high and i thought, "dammit! i'm like meth-heads!" only my bad skin is actually better than theirs. i kind of wanted to call my cell phone carrier and apologize, i felt like such an ass. i promise i'm not on meth! i'm just stupid!

i also caught an episode of the venture brothers the other night on the cartoon network. i hardly ever see it, but i love it. why isn't it on more often? it's great.


dm said...

"it's like holding hands, only with your feet."

this might be my new favorite quote.

Anonymous said...

Ah, the cliffhanger. Mine was dead on!

Anonymous said...

Pocky rules.